Friday, July 7, 2017

L'Elite Event ♡ Sinfully Sweet

Featured Items

dress ➣ Sinfully Sweet "Embrace Me" @ L'Elite Event (starts on the 10th)
fitmesh sizes and standard
includes also Knotted Necklace (black)

shout out ...
mesh body ➣ Maitreya Lara
mesh head ➣ Catwa Bento Lona
skin ➣ League
tattoo ➣ White~Widow "Music Box" - Dark
hair ➣  Sintiklia  "Claire" - Naturals
shoes ➣ N-core "Scorpio"
gloves / claws ➣ =Zenith= "The Hollow Gloves"
sim ➣  Hazardous

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